People Don’t Change, They are Simply Becoming Aware of Who They Truly Are
I always thought I was cursed for seeing people’s potential before they did, but recently I learned a more significant lesson.
Remember that thing you hated, but now you love? Have you ever trusted the potential of a person right before they did, but they never seemed to reach it?
Change is a constant in life. We are often told that people change, that we ourselves change. But what if the essence of who we are remains the same, and it’s our awareness of ourselves that evolves? As I was finishing my first book “Quantum Behaviours” a couple of weeks ago, I realised many things I knew but couldn’t express in words while I was exploring the journey of self-discovery and the unveiling of our true selves through life’s experiences.
I grew up in a “meat forever” environment, as well as a catholic mindset school. Things were simply not introduced by me, causing internal chaos within my subconscious. Two people of the same sex were not option to marry, as well as a meal without pork, beef, or any kind of meat was basically not enough to grow healthy.
It is not that they told me one thing was wrong, I simply never connected one and the other because I was never given the…