“In Pursuit of The One: A Journey through Love’s Labyrinth”— Let’s discuss Attachment Styles.

The biggest lesson to learn about your Love-Life to end up properly partnered in life. This will change your relationships completely.

Fer Rivero
8 min readJun 30, 2023


Love. It’s a four-letter word that carries a universe of emotions. For some, it’s a joyous journey adorned with companionship and shared dreams. For others, it’s a complex labyrinth, a quest to find “the one.” This is the story of one such individual, one of my coaching clients, who has been tirelessly navigating love’s labyrinth in pursuit of that “long-lasting” connection.

For the sake of this article (and how much he insisted on me writing it but keeping him secret), let's call our protagonist ‘John’.

John knows what he wants in a partner. He has a clear vision of his “one” — the kind of person with whom he wants to share laughter and dreams, have kids and share Sunday morning coffee. He even has a clear “type” when it comes to appearance but remains open-minded to people outside of his type. Despite his clarity, he’s been met with recurring heartbreak, with relationships reaching their expiry date around the year-and-a-half mark.



Fer Rivero

Artist, Singer, Writer and Digital Marketer. Author of Quantum Behaviours, Tales for the Mind and other titles :D